How to Upload Documents to Coconaut to Power a Chat Bot

Enhancing your chat bot's capabilities by uploading documents as sources is an easy task on Coconaut. This process allows your chat bot to learn from a broader set of data, leading to more accurate responses to user inquiries. Follow these simple steps to get started.

Step 1: Preparing Your Documents

Before you begin, ensure your documents are in a format supported by Coconaut. Common formats include .txt, .docx, .pdf, .xlsx, and .csv. To achieve the best results, the document should be well-structured and relevant to the information your chat bot will need. If your document size exceeds the maximum allowed size of XYZ MB, consider removing unnecessary images or compressing the document to reduce its size.

Step 2: Accessing the Upload Interface

  1. Log into your Coconaut account.
  2. Select the bot to which you wish to upload the documents.
  3. Navigate to the Sources tab of the bot.
  4. Click the 'Add' button, located at the top right of the sources table.

Step 3: Uploading Your Documents

  1. In the add source modal that opens, select the 'Documents' tab.
  2. Click on the 'Choose File' button to select the file you wish to upload from your computer. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file into the provided area.
  3. After you've selected your file, click the 'Add Source' button to initiate the upload.

Once the document is uploaded, it will appear in the list of source documents.

Step 4: Monitoring Your Upload

After uploading your document, give it a few minutes for the chat bot to learn the new information. You can monitor the status in the Source row, waiting until the column reads 'Ready'. Once the source has been successfully learned, you may query your chat bot to test for successful query responses.


If the upload fails, try checking your internet connection or reducing the file size. If the document doesn't appear in the list after upload, ensure that the document was correctly uploaded and meets the format and size requirements. If the bot doesn't seem to be learning from the new source, try re-uploading the document or check the document's relevance and structure.

Getting Help

Should you encounter any difficulties or have any questions during the process, don't hesitate to reach out to Coconaut's support team. They are available to assist you and make your experience with Coconaut as seamless as possible.

Supported file types:

CSV Files .csv
E-mails .eml, .msg
EPubs .epub
Excel Documents .xls, .xlsx
HTML Pages .html
Images .png, .jpg
Markdown .md
Open Office Documents .odt
PDFs .pdf
Plain Text .txt
Power Points .ppt, .pptx
ReStructured Texts .rst
Rich Text Files .rtf
TSV Files .tsv
Word Documents .doc, .docx
XML Documents .xml